The Veteran.

"Those were the times.

We thought that with the machines in our hands,
we could shoot down their destructive notions and save the nation.
But it hit us just as the rain of bullets did-
some ideas were not meant to be shot down.
Don't get me wrong- some weren't and some others did.

That was our job- to find the ones that did. And the only way to find the difference was to shoot at the man carrying the idea and see if he was fighting for a life or was living for a fight.

But before that, we had to make up our minds, you see. 
We had to know too, whether we were men or we were zombies.

That's how we picked up our guns, thinking 'It's all in our head, just like it's all in theirs.'

..and as we showered them with bullets, we died in silence."

p.s.- News of useless killing in any form makes me angry. And then sad. And then just helpless. 

I think that's the worst feeling that one can feel.


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